The Local Ocean Trust is a non-profit organization based in Watamu. The organization is a grassroots project located in Watamu and are passionate about the conservation of Kenya’s marine resources because there is a need to protect local sea turtles and the surrounding marine environment. Their flagship marine protection programme is Watamu Turtle Watch which was founded in 1997. They work with local communities including subsistence fishermen, marine stakeholders, and government authorities to protect, advocate, educate, and empower. Their Marine Information Centre next to the Watamu Supermarket makes it easy for visitors to stop by before or after shopping. The centre is open Monday to Saturday from 9:30 to 12 pm and from 2 pm to 4:30 pm. You can also visit the Watamu Turtle Watch headquarters at Plot 203, south along the main road towards Temple Point. There are usually injured or sick turtles that live in water basins until they are strong enough to be released. The easiest way to see a living turtle during your vacation is to pass by Plot 2013.