Did you know nearly every year, at Malindi’s coast, hundreds of Humpback whales migrate from Antarctica to the warmer waters off the Kenyan coast to mate, give birth and nurse their young? This spectacle is a marvel to wonder at. The best time to watch whales in Watamu is between July and October. You can book a tour with one of the local tour operators who offer boat trips to the areas where the whales are known to congregate.
The tour usually takes about half a day, and you will have the opportunity to see humpback whales breaching, tail slapping, and spouting water as they surface to breathe. You may also see other marine life such as dolphins, sea turtles, and various species of fish. It is important to choose a responsible tour operator who follows the guidelines for responsible whale watching, such as keeping a safe distance from the whales and not disturbing them in their natural habitat.